What is behind Gantenbrink's "Door"?

A Prediction
Christopher Dunn
February 2000
The Discovery:
Explorations within the Great Pyramid have revealed, for the first time in modern history, the contents and features of the enigmatic Southern Shaft in the Queen’s Chamber. What other discoveries will be found when the Egyptian government penetrates further into the Great Pyramid’s ancient confines?
The Queen’s Chamber Southern Shaft was first discovered in 1872 when Waynman Dixon detected a crack in the wall and was able to push a rod through the crack for some distance without meeting any resistance. This discovery prompted him to have Bill Grundy chisel through the limestone to discover what lay behind. A full account of this exploration and its implications is contained in The Giza Power Plant.
In 1993, there was a flurry of excitement around the world when information was released about a remarkable discovery inside the Great Pyramid. German robotics engineer, Rudolph Gantenbrink, who had been contracted to install ventilation fans inside the pyramid, received permission to design a robot to explore the shafts inside the Queen’s Chamber. Unlike the shafts leading from the King’s Chamber, these approximately eight-inch square shafts had no known exit point on the outside of the pyramid. A complete and thorough account of these explorations can be found at Gantenbrink’s own website at http://www.cheops.org
The robot, named Upuaut II (meaning opener of the ways) was equipped with lights, camera and laser pointer, and has received more fame and recognition that any other similarly equipped explorer on the subject. What the robot revealed to the world was a termination point high in the body of the pyramid. The shaft came to a dead end and barring the way was a solid limestone block through which two mysterious copper fittings protrude.
The Question:
What does the discovery of this so-called door portend for the orthodox theories proposed by Egyptologists? The discovery of this door poses a dilemma for Egyptologists. Simply by virtue of its existence, parts of the tomb theory that explain the existence of these shafts, as well as other features of the Great Pyramid have undergone revision. When Gantenbrink sent his robot tracking off into the unknown, Egyptologists did not know that what the robot discovered would contradict conventional wisdom. They had to provide an answer for the discovery, and one that would make sense.
The official orthodox opinion on the purpose of these shafts is that they had a cultic or symbolic purpose.
With the proliferation of alternative views on the purpose of the Great Pyramid, it is understandable that there is a degree of trepidation and no real urgency to look behind Gantenbrink’s so-called “door” because what could be found may further weaken orthodox views of prehistory.
The Method:
The standard I set for myself when researching the Great Pyramid was that every single feature found within the Great Pyramid had to have a logical reason. Engineered features, especially, I contended, were intrinsic to the original purpose for the building. Every single design characteristic must be explained and lead to a logical conclusion. In other words, the reasons for every minute detail must strengthen and support the proposed function for the entire building.
This means that, putting my money where my mouth is, for the theory proposed in The Giza Power Plant to have validity, whatever is discovered behind Gantenbrink’s “door” must be reconcilable within the context of the pyramid being a power plant. If a room full of mummies or funerary trappings is found behind the door, then what I have proposed in my book is severely weakened and may be null and void.
On the Egyptologists’ side of the fence, based on the standards they have established for the explanation of evidence with the pyramids, whatever is found behind Gantenbrink’s door can be explained away by invoking mysterious occult symbolism.
The Prediction:
It has been seven years since Gantenbrink made his discovery. He is quite clear that he could have continued his explorations, and we would have had knowledge of what is behind this door a long time ago. With the time dragging on, I couldn’t wait for this information to be forthcoming and published The Giza Power Plant with a prediction of what will be found. This prediction is based on what is found elsewhere in the Great Pyramid and is an engineering analysis of the function of the pyramid as a machine.
Egyptologist, Zahi Hawass, has indicated that the “door” will be penetrated and what is discovered revealed to the world. There have been several dates discussed, including the summer of 2000. As we are quickly approaching the time during which there may be additional discoveries, I am taking this opportunity to bring to the fore the predictions in The Giza Power Plant, and publish for the first time some modifications based on my observations while in Egypt in May 1999.
As I am writing this, Amargi Hillier, (www.projectduat.com) who is ensconced in a flat in Giza, is, by my request, taking photographs of some large vertical shafts on the east and south side of the Great Pyramid. I did not photograph these shafts in 1999, as their true significance did not immediately strike me. Links to the photographs together with descriptions of them by Amargi can be found at the end of this article.
In the Giza Power Plant, I made the prediction that behind Gantenbrink’s door would be found a vertical shaft that transcended to a bedrock chamber beneath the Great Pyramid. The bedrock chamber, I proposed, would house the mechanism necessary to pump chemicals to the Queen’s Chamber shafts to sustain the production of hydrogen for the power plant.
I am modifying this original prediction with the following graphic:

Within the context of the powerplant hypothesis, the vertical bedrock shafts located on the outside of the Great Pyramid will connect with the Queen’s Chamber shafts. Therefore, I predict that when Gantenbrink’s “door” is penetrated, features will be found to support this hypothesis,
Both Queen’s Chamber shafts will have shafts, of unknown size or geometry, that join with bedrock shafts that eventually lead to the shafts on the outside of the Great Pyramid.
The photos were taken on February 13, 2000 – 1:30pm.
The shaft area is located approx 15 meters from the center area of the east side of the Great Pyramid. There is a one meter iron fence surrounding the top of the shaft on all four sides. This fence is elevated on a stone ledging approx 12 inches high. To look over the fence and down into the shaft, you need to step up on the concrete ledge. Or you can peer through the bars of the fence.
The shaft is actually two shafts, or has two halfs, divided by a center rough ‘wall’ which does not reach to the top of the shaft. The center wall runs east/west. This can be clearly seen in photo “shaft1.jpg”. The shaft is approx 5 meters deep at current depth. Wind-blown sand covers the remainder depth. Wind also blows in debris and trash, which is removed from the area frequently. The glass soda bottle on the center wall can give a visual reference of the approx size of the shaft and within.
The photo briefs are as follows:

Facing south:

In the north/west corner of the shaft is what looks to be stone steps or stairs….
leading south into a small opening in the center wall, which continues to the southern half of the shaft.
3 niches or ‘cutouts’ can be seen on the north side of the center wall.
There are numerous shafts on the plateau with steps going down them.

This photo gives you a better view of the steps. You are looking
almost vertically down. If you lifted your head up and looked
horizontal, you would be facing west at the east side of the Great
Interesting groove marks, niches, criss-cross patterns and other things can be viewed in the walls and stone of this shaft.
Amargi Hillier
Photographs Copyright 2000 Amargi Hillier
Our Thanks to Amargi for taking these photos at such short notice, even a powercut did not stop him!
©Copyright 2023 Christopher Dunn